Execute a Free Georgia Parole Search (Statewide Parolee Lookup)

Free Georgia Parolee Lookup
Find out if someone you know or love was released from prison on parole in Georgia, free of charge.

Conduct a free Georgia parole search on anyone throughout the state today.

Parolee lookups are possible because of laws allowing the public to access these records, such as the state’s Open Records Act (OCA) and the overarching federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Parole is an early release from prison for eligible and approved offenders.

Probation occurs for individuals convicted of lesser crimes; instead of serving time in jail, the sentence is suspended, and they are released back into communities under supervision. Parole and probation records can be found by searching through official agencies at no cost; in rare cases, costs may be assessed for copying and producing records.

This resource provides official references and links to to assist citizens in finding parole records in Georgia, with a probation search guide provided at the end of the article.

How To Conduct a Georgia Parole Search at No Cost

Persons who need to find and acquire records of offenders under supervision can get in touch with state agencies; in particular, they may contact the Georgia State Board of Pardons.1

Parole in Georgia is defined as a form of supervision and release of incarcerated individuals from prison after serving an appropriate portion of their sentence.2, 3 It is granted by a decision of the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles.

The State Board maintains a database of offenders who are currently under parole. This database is accessed using the Georgia Parole Lookup Tool, which is accessible to the public for free. Users can search for current offenders under supervision by their names, case number, their Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) numbers, among other criteria.

Interested persons will need to confirm the data on the index as it may not be up to date, or they may require more information. To do this, they will need to contact the State Board of Pardons & Paroles by calling 404.656.4661 or emailing GaParoleBoard@pap.ga.gov.4 Patrons may mail the Board at the address below:

Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles
2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive South East
Suite 430, Balcony Level, West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Moreover, interested persons may find limited parole information by using the Georgia Offender Lookup Tool. Data displayed includes the parole status, and the offender’s maximum and actual release date. The use of this tool is discussed in the sections that follow.

A screenshot of the Georgia Department of Corrections' online interface for searching offender information by name, description, gender, race, and age, with fields for entering partial last and first names and selecting various attributes for a targeted search.
Source: Georgia Department of Corrections5

Additionally, patrons may execute a written open records request to run a parole search in Georgia by emailing openrecords@pap.ga.gov or writing to the address above.6

Some nominal fees may be applied for searching, retrieval and copying.

Look Up Parole Violators & Escapees Throughout Georgia

Citizens can acquire information on offenders who have violated their supervision conditions or have failed to report to their supervision officers from the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles. Patrons can locate offenders’ information from the Georgia State Parolee Search Tool.

They may confirm this information by contacting the State Board of Pardons to ascertain whether an offender has violated their parole terms.7 In some cases, offenders may fail to report their parole officers and are now absconders and on the run.

This state agency should be able to provide the required information. Call 404.656.4661 or email the Board at GaParoleBoard@pap.ga.gov.

Interested persons should also contact the Georgia Department of Corrections through written correspondence to verify the information they retrieve from the database at the address below:

Georgia Department of Corrections
Inmate Records and Information
Post Office Box 1529
Forsyth, GA 31029

It is possible to obtain information on parole violators and those that have absconded from the Department of Community Supervision. They will need to select “Provide Information on an Offender” from the topics of interest when making their information request.

A contact page from the Georgia Department of Community Supervision website, providing a form for inquiries with fields for personal information, topic of interest, and relation to the department.
Source: Department of Community Supervision8

How To Track Down Details of Inmates in a Georgia State Prison

The housing of inmates in state prisons is the responsibility of the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC); this state agency is the point of contact for persons interested in looking up incarcerated individuals.9 The GDC maintains an index of inmates who are actively in prison and those that have been released.

This database can be accessed online for free using a Georgia State Prisoner Search Tool. The versatile tool allows users to find offenders using their names, gender, race and age. In addition, there are options that permit requesters to narrow the search using physical descriptors such as weight, eye and hair color; users also have the option of searching by primary offense.

Information shown on offenders includes a mugshot, and physical and incarceration details. Data from this database should be confirmed by contacting the GDC through a written request at this address. Unlike other tools from the other Department of Corrections, the GDC search instrument can be used to run a parole search.

Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC)
Inmate Records and Information
Post Office Box 1529
Forsyth, GA 31029

The public, including friends and family, can visit, contact, send packages or money to inmates in Georgia State Prisons. Inmates can only be visited by appointment only

—visitors can schedule a visit with an inmate using this link. They must first become an approved visitor by completing a visitation request form.

A screenshot of the Georgia Department of Corrections' online form for scheduling a visitation, indicating a space for the offender's ID, the visitor's full name, email address, and relationship to the offender, with a reminder note about the weekly deadline for requests.
Source: Georgia Department of Corrections10

Visitors do have an option of canceling scheduled visits and should follow these visitation policies; here are frequently asked questions about the visitation process. Inmate’s guests can be arrested if they fail to follow policies—the top three reasons for arrest of visitors are attempting to smuggle a cell phone, tobacco and drugs.

Family and friends can contact offenders by setting up a prepaid collect, having a directly billed account through Securus or calling 1.800.844.6591.11 Inmates can also transfer money from their trust accounts to complete calls.

Approved friends and family may send packages to offenders through Union Supply for food items. This can be done online, by mail, phone and fax. Approved visitors can acquire more information on how to send food packages to a loved one here.

Lastly, it is possible to send money to Georgia State Prison inmates through five different methods outlined below; see the prior link to get details on how to utilize these ways.

  • Money order
  • Jpay
  • Speaking with an agent
  • Sending it by calling 1.800.574.5729
  • Using MoneyGram

The public can call 404.656.4661, email the GDC or mail the address below with any questions and concerns.

Georgia Department of Corrections
300 Patrol Road
Forsyth, Georgia 31029

How To Perform a Parole Hearing Lookup & Reach a Parolee’s Assigned Officer in Georgia

It is often the case that members of the public including victims need to find out the schedule for a hearing—to acquire this information, they will need to contact the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles.

Unlike other states, Georgia’s Board of Pardons and Paroles does not provide a list of scheduled parole hearings in its website; hence the best way to ascertain this information would be to contact the State Board of Pardons and Paroles.12

Patrons may conduct a parole search to find hearing schedules by calling the Board’s primary phone number at 404.656.4661 or their public information line at 404.657.9450. The Board can also be contacted via email at GaParoleBoard@pap.ga.gov or by mail at the address below:

Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles
2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive South East
Suite 430, Balcony Level, West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Interested persons will need to contact the U.S. Parole Commission, which maintains a Bureau of Prisons Parole Hearing Schedule for inmates convicted of federal crimes and in federal prisons.13 They can find hearings that will occur in the state; the information displayed shows the dates and locations of the hearings. Email BOP.Docket@usdoj.gov for any questions and to validate the format of hearings.

It is important to be able to reach an offender’s parole officer to report any suspicious criminal activity or in the case of absconding. Members of the public can find this information online for free by using the Georgia Parolee Search Tool. Data drawn from this tool will show the name of the parole officer.

Patrons still need to confirm this information by contacting the Board using the information above or writing to the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) at the following address:

Georgia Department of Corrections
Inmate Records and Information
Post Office Box 1529
Forsyth, Georgia 31029

Citizens may also write to the Department of Community Supervision to find out someone’s parole officer or report a violation. Users should select “Find Information on an Offender” from the topics of interest drop-down menu.

When searching for information on supervised offenders, requesters should consider that the general rule is parole officers are not associated with offenders, but the public can still report any information that may help ensure their safety and that of the community at large.

How To Determine if Someone Is on Probation Throughout Georgia for Free

While parole applies to offenders who have been in prison for a while, probation in Georgia refers to the deferral of a sentence of a convicted person in which they are released into society—these individuals are under jurisdiction of the Department of Community Supervision.

Nevertheless, it is possible for offenders to serve some time in prison followed by a time on probation in the community; this is known as a split sentence.

Similar to parole, residents may able to identify if someone is on probation in Georgia. Although there is no online database to find the probation status of a person in the state; therefore interested persons will need to contact the state agency. Contact the Georgia Department of Community Supervision by calling 678.783.4337 or sending a written message and detail the request from a drop-down of topics of interest by selecting “Contacting an Officer.”

Interested persons can also write to the Georgia Department of Community Supervision at the address below or contact a local field office in Georgia including Atlanta, Albany, Cairo and Columbus.

An interface from the Department of Community Supervision's website showcasing a searchable directory of field offices across various jurisdictions in Georgia, detailing names, areas served, and addresses for easy navigation and contact.
Source: Department of Community Supervision14

Georgia Department of Community Supervision
2 Martin Luther King Junior Drive South East, Suite 866
East Atlanta, GA 30334

Some counties provide contact information for probation divisions under the courts’ jurisdiction. For example, the Fulton County Probation Services Division provides contact information for the department. Gwinnett County’s Probation Unit provides citizens with contact information for individual probation officers.

For the rest of the counties, a Google search with this syntax: “probation search [county name] county GA” can locate probation departments if available.

Federal offenders in Georgia are under the supervision of the United States Probation Office. There are two districts that serve the U.S. Probation Office in Georgia: the Northern District and Southern District. These links provide contact information to get in touch with the probation office to determine if someone is on probation.

Alternatively, patrons may contact the individual office locations in the Northern District in these cities:

Probation & Pretrial Office Address Phone
Atlanta Richard B. Russell Federal Building and United States Courthouse
75 Ted Turner Drive SouthWest, Suite 900
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Gainesville Sidney O. Smith Federal Building and United States Courthouse
121 Spring Street SouthWest
Gainesville, Georgia 30501
Newnan Lewis R. Morgan Federal Building and United States Courthouse
18 Greenville Street, First Floor
Newnan, Georgia 30263
Rome United States Courthouse
360 Federal Building, 600 East First Street
Rome, Georgia 30162-0049
Tucker Tucker Office
4500 Hugh Howell Road, Suite 405
Tucker, Georgia 30084

The cities that serve the Southern District are below; links provide contact information and addresses of the U.S. Probation Offices.15

Probation & Pretrial Office Address Phone
Augusta United States Probation Office Federal Justice Center
600 James Brown Boulevard, 3rd Floor
Augusta, Georgia 30901
Brunswick United States Probation Office
801 Gloucester Street, Room 360
Brunswick, Georgia 31520
Dublin United States Courthouse
100 North Franklin Street
Dublin, Georgia 31021
Savannah United States Probation Office
124 Barnard Street
Savannah, Georgia 31401
Statesboro United States Courthouse
52 North Main Street
Statesboro, Georgia 30458
Waycross United States Courthouse
601 Tebeau Street
Waycross, Georgia 31501

Running a Georgia parole search permits citizens to find offenders’ records to help gather pertinent information or uphold public safety; this resource empowers patrons with links and insights to find these records. Additionally, record seekers can also refer to the tutorial on accessing Georgia criminal and arrest records for further information related to their search.


1Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles. (n.d.). Parole consideration. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://pap.georgia.gov/parole-consideration>

2Georgia Department of Community Supervision. (n.d.). Parole supervision. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://dcs.georgia.gov/offender-supervision-0/parole-supervision>

3Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles. (n.d.). Frequently asked questions about parole consideration. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://pap.georgia.gov/parole-consideration/frequently-asked-questions>

4Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles. (n.d.). Contact us. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://pap.georgia.gov/contact-us>

5Georgia Department of Corrections. (n.d.). Offender query. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://services.gdc.ga.gov/GDC/OffenderQuery/jsp/OffQryForm.jsp?Institution=>

6Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles. (n.d.). Open records request. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://pap.georgia.gov/open-records-request>

7Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles. (n.d.). Contact us. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://pap.georgia.gov/contact-us>

8Georgia Department of Community Supervision. (n.d.). Contact us. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://dcs.georgia.gov/contact-us-0>

9Georgia Department of Corrections. (n.d.). Offender info. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://gdc.georgia.gov/offender-info>

10Georgia Department of Corrections. (n.d.). Visitation. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://gdconnect.gdc.ga.gov/visitation/>

11Securus Technologies. (n.d.). Home page. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://www.securustech.net/>

12Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles. (n.d.). Contact us. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://pap.georgia.gov/contact-us>

13U.S. Department of Justice. (n.d.). Bureau of Prisons hearing schedule. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://www.justice.gov/uspc/bop-hearing-schedule>

14Georgia Department of Community Supervision. (n.d.). Field office locations. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://dcs.georgia.gov/locations/field-office>

15U.S. District Court, Southern District of Georgia. (n.d.). Offices. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from <https://www.gasp.uscourts.gov/offices>